Workstem and Xero’s integration provides you with a fully automated payroll and accounting system.
Sync your payroll data automatically into Xero to avoid manual data import and exports.
Make sure your chart of accounts are all set up correctly on Xero!
Login to your Xero account to integrate with Workstem!
Synchronise your Xero account codes with Workstem and map out the pay items!
Workstem automatically generates all payroll data to Xero and categories each transaction after each pay run.
After double checking the results, the Xero payroll integration process is complete.
Xero is a world-leading online accounting software.
Workstem is your one-stop payroll system, with functions such as scheduling, attendance, leave, reimbursement, payroll, MPF, and tax filing, Workstem seamlessly handles your HR processing task faster and more conveniently under one platform.