Timesheet Management

What is a timesheet?

The timesheet is a form of employee working hours record, which mainly shows the working hours of the employee’s pay cycle, and provides information to calculate payroll accurately.

The importance of timesheets

Working hours records, namely employee attendance records, is an important basis for employers to calculate payroll and overtime allowance, especially for overtime allowance. In order to avoid disputes between employers and employees, it is really important to manage timesheets.

According to statistics, more than 50% of labour dispute cases involve payroll issues, and more than 80% of the cases involve overtime allowance. Regarding disputes over overtime allowance, employee working hours records are often the key evidence to determine the outcome of a lawsuit. Therefore, the HR department must pay attention to the employee’s timesheet, and ensure the formality and compliance.

*It is suggested that employees fill in the overtime timesheet and be approved by the supervisors. Conversely, from a legal point of view, employees who extend working hours by themselves will be considered overtime, which is not good for the company.


Workstem’s attendance management system can not only automatically judge whether employees are in line with the attendance rules, but also automatically count the working hours such as overtime, lateness, early leave, absence and more. Relevant attendance data will be reflected in the employee’s payslip after the payroll calculation of the current month, without manual double calculation, so that makes your timesheet management easier and flexible.

Read more: Why Is It Difficult to Track Employee Attendance?