How to Select an Attendance System?

How to Select an Attendance System?

Chapter catalogue

  1. Different methods to clock in and out
  2. Accurate time-recording and attendance records
  3. Automatically show abnormal attendance status of staff members
  4. Keep complete timekeeping records
  5. Improve employees’ experience of clocking in and out

If you’re reading this article, it could mean that you’re looking for an attendance system as you’re not satisfied with your current method of recording internal attendance data. Either that or you already have an attendance system but its functions don’t meet your needs, so you’re searching for a suitable system that would help improve work efficiency in your organization.

Whatever the case is, you’ve come to the right place. Having an attendance system in the workplace is the new normal these days. Compared to traditional time attendance terminals, modern attendance systems are much better in terms of quality as they not only record the clock ins and outs of employees, but also perform data analysis for HR managers. Just knowing this is the first step towards selecting an attendance system for your organization.

The next step is choosing an attendance system that works for you.

When you open Google and search for “attendance system”, the first four or five search results you’ll see are paid ads by companies that sell attendance systems. This begs the question: does a higher ranking on Google determine their efficiency as a system? Not necessarily. If an attendance system is considered good and efficient, there must be a justifiable reason for it to rank at the top of search results.

When choosing an attendance system, it’s important that you ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can the system meet my requirements for attendance tracking?
  • Is the price within my organization’s budget?
  • Does the attendance system provider have special customer service personnel who will be able to answer my operational or technical questions about their product?

Aside from these questions, you must also check if an attendance system has all the basic functions that you’ll ever need, such as the following:

Different methods to clock in and out

Some attendance systems only have a single clock in and out method, such as GPS, which is especially helpful for employees who are assigned to another location. However, having a sole GPS-based attendance system can be the cause of errors. For example, if the GPS signal is weak in some shopping malls, this can result in positional errors of several meters. If an attendance system has various clock in and out methods, you need to switch to one that’s more suitable to the current needs of your company.

With our HR App, employees can clock-in/out via GPS, bluetooth, QR code and facial recognition with precise positioning.

Accurate time-recording and attendance records

One of the most important aspects of an attendance system is its ability to accurately record the clock ins and outs and location of employees. It’s important that you select an attendance system that has an effective GPS and can record data in a matter of a few seconds. Automatically show abnormal attendance status of staff members If an employee is late, absent or taking an early leave from work, you should have an attendance system that automatically records their attendance status so that you can see the data clearly at a glance.

Select an attendance system with accurate GPS and fast data recording.

Automatically show abnormal attendance status of staff members

If an employee is late, absent or taking an early leave from work, you should have an attendance system that automatically records their attendance status so that you can see the data clearly at a glance.

Attendance system should auto-record attendance status for late/absent employees

Keep complete timekeeping records

You should have an attendance system that is able to secure the attendance records of each employee without any missing data. Additionally, when choosing such a system that keeps complete records, you should consider if the system can automatically modify data if you adjust an employee’s working hours, for example.

Attendance system should secure complete records and allow automatic data modification

Improve employees’ experience of clocking in and out

The first thing that employees do when going to work is clocking in. Similarly, the last thing they do at the end of the work day is clocking out. Of course, they would want to do this quickly as opposed to waiting in line behind other employees. Time is of the essence; if you miss a minute at work, your wages might be deducted. To prevent this, you must choose an attendance system that can be accessed through a mobile app so that employees can clock in and out with just a click of a button.

Choose an attendance system with mobile app for quick clock ins/outs

The last step in choosing an attendance system is checking if it can help you correctly calculate the wages of employees

For example, it’s common for part-time and temporary workers to clock in and out according to their roster and be paid on an hourly or daily basis. So it’s important that you calculate their salary correctly. In Hong Kong, some of these employees fall under the 418 Rule, which states that employees who are employed by the same employer for four or more consecutive weeks and work at least 18 hours in each of those weeks instantly fall under “continuous employment” status. Therefore, they can enjoy statutory benefits and rights under Hong Kong’s Employment Ordinance.

Since the working days and time of these employees are crucial in determining their pay, benefits, and employment status, it’s important that HR managers have an attendance system to record their attendance data.

A traditional time attendance terminal can’t do it all, so HR managers are recommended to use an HR management system, such as one that Workstem offers. Its HR solutions integrate time tracking, rostering, payroll, leave management, Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), and taxation data. Workstream’s attendance management system, in particular, can help you flexibly customize attendance rules and export various reports such as the 418 checking report to prevent unnecessary labor disputes.

Additionally, the system calculates all employees’ leave and overtime records into the payroll. Whether it’s the hourly-wage employees who are due for salary deduction because they clocked in late or the 418 employees who are applying for annual leave, Workstem will calculate all the pay items when doing the payroll. It also allows HR or finance managers to automatically pay employees with just a click of a button.

Workstem also doesn’t charge a high price at one time. You can simply pay the headcounts as needed. For example, if your company has only 15 employees, you only need to buy 15 headcounts.

Lastly, you have the option to choose between monthly and yearly subscription plans on Workstem based on your own needs. You can also cancel your subscription plan in the event that you now longer want to use it.

If you’re encountering problems with Workstem’s solution, their customer service is available any time to help resolve your concerns. You can learn more by purchasing online or offline training courses.

Read More:

How to Choose a Payroll & HRM System?

Not Just for the Big Companies: Why a Payroll Management System Is Crucial for SMEs

Traditional HRM Software Vs Cloud HRM Software, Which One to Choose?

Do You Really Save That Much with HR Systems?

5 Manual HR Functions That Digital Technologies Can Resolve

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