If you hired an employee who may be subjected to salaries tax, as the employer, you must file a IR56E form (or by electronic means) within 3 months.
*In Hong Kong, most people who earn income from holding positions, being employed or receiving pensions are subject to salaries tax. If an employee received a Tax Return from the Inland Revenue Department (IRD), he or she must complete and submit it to IRD within the deadline even if he/she does not have taxable income.
Mr. A was hired by the company as an IT technician on April 7, 2020. He may be subject to salaries tax by the IRD. In this scenario, the employer needs to file a IR56E form before July 7, 2020.
The continuous growth and development of a company needs a never-ending stream of talent flowing into the company. When new employees join, HRs need to fill out the IR56E form for them within 3 months.
Workstem, as a one-stop human resources management system, not only helps you record employees’ onboarding date but also helps HRs fill in all necessary information for every employee.
When you need to fill out tax forms, our tax module will help you generate IR56E form with one click, saving you countless time and energy.
Read More:
eTAX Guide Chapter I – How to Register an Account
eTAX Guide Chapter II – How to Fill the Employer’s Return
How to Efficiently Handle Payroll and Tax Deductions for Mainland Employees in Manufacturing?