What are the Awards ?
Awards(Modern Awards) are legal documents that outline the minimum pay rates and conditions of employment.
There are more than 100 industry or occupation awards that cover most people who work in Australia.
Who is entitled to an Award?
Awards generally apply to employees within the industry or occupation covered by the specific award.
The coverage of an award can vary based on factors like industry, job classification, and geographical location. Some awards may cover a broad range of industries and job roles, while others are more specific to certain occupations or sectors.
It’s important to note that if an employer and their employees have a registered agreement in place, the award may not apply.
*Note:If your workplace has a registered agreement, please visit Fair Work’s Agreements page.
List of Awards
Building and Construction General On-site Award [MA000020] |
General Retail Industry Award [MA000004] |
Health Professionals and Support Services Award [MA000027] |
Restaurant Industry Award [MA000119] |
Hospitality Industry (General) Award [MA000009] |
Clerks – Private Sector Award [MA000002] |
Fast Food Industry Award [MA000003] |
Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award [MA000010] |
Aged Care Award [MA000018] |
Children’s Services Award [MA000120] |
Cleaning Services Award [MA000022] |
Road Transport and Distribution Award [MA000038] |
Storage Services and Wholesale Award [MA000084] |
Fitness Industry Award [MA000094] |
Nurses Award [MA000034] |
Gardening and Landscaping Services Award [MA000101] |
Legal Services Award [MA000116] |
Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award [MA000036] |
Professional Employees Award [MA000065] |
Registered and Licensed Clubs Award [MA000058] |
Security Services Industry Award [MA000016] |
Hair and Beauty Industry Award [MA000005] |
Animal Care and Veterinary Services Award [MA000118] |
Educational Services (Post-Secondary Education) Award [MA000075] |
Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award [MA000076] |
Educational Services (Teachers) Award [MA000077] |
Horticulture Award [MA000028] |
Joinery and Building Trades Award [MA000029] |
Live Performance Award [MA000081] |
Market and Social Research Award [MA000030] |
Miscellaneous Award [MA000104] |
Pastoral Award [MA000035] |
Pharmacy Industry Award [MA000012] |
Real Estate Industry Award [MA000106] |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Award [MA000115] |
Air Pilots Award [MA000046] |
Aircraft Cabin Crew Award [MA000047] |
Airline Operations – Ground Staff Award [MA000048] |
Airport Employees Award [MA000049] |
Alpine Resorts Award [MA000092] |
Aluminium Industry Award [MA000060] |
Ambulance and Patient Transport Industry Award [MA000098] |
Amusement, Events and Recreation Award [MA000080] |
Aquaculture Industry Award [MA000114] |
Architects Award [MA000079] |
Asphalt Industry Award [MA000054] |
Australian Government Industry Award 2016 [MA000153] |
Banking, Finance and Insurance Award [MA000019] |
Black Coal Mining Industry Award [MA000001] |
Book Industry Award [MA000078] |
Broadcasting, Recorded Entertainment and Cinemas Award [MA000091] |
Business Equipment Award [MA000021] |
Car Parking Award [MA000095] |
Cement, Lime and Quarrying Award [MA000055] |
Cemetery Industry Award [MA000070] |
Coal Export Terminals Award [MA000045] |
Commercial Sales Award [MA000083] |
Concrete Products Award [MA000056] |
Contract Call Centres Award [MA000023] |
Corrections and Detention (Private Sector) Award [MA000110] |
Cotton Ginning Award [MA000024] |
Dredging Industry Award [MA000085] |
Dry Cleaning and Laundry Industry Award [MA000096] |
Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award [MA000025] |
Electrical Power Industry Award [MA000088] |
Fire Fighting Industry Award [MA000111] |
Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Award [MA000073] |
Funeral Industry Award [MA000105] |
Gas Industry Award [MA000061] |
Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award [MA000026] |
Higher Education Industry – Academic Staff – Award [MA000006] |
Higher Education Industry – General Staff – Award [MA000007] |
Horse and Greyhound Training Award [MA000008] |
Hydrocarbons Field Geologists Award [MA000064] |
Hydrocarbons Industry (Upstream) Award [MA000062] |
Journalists Published Media Award [MA000067] |
Labour Market Assistance Industry Award [MA000099] |
Local Government Industry Award [MA000112] |
Mannequins and Models Award [MA000117] |
Marine Tourism and Charter Vessels Award [MA000093] |
Marine Towage Award [MA000050] |
Maritime Offshore Oil and Gas Award [MA000086] |
Meat Industry Award [MA000059] |
Medical Practitioners Award [MA000031] |
Mining Industry Award [MA000011] |
Mobile Crane Hiring Award [MA000032] |
Nursery Award [MA000033] |
Oil Refining and Manufacturing Award [MA000072] |
Passenger Vehicle Transportation Award [MA000063] |
Pest Control Industry Award [MA000097] |
Pharmaceutical Industry Award [MA000069] |
Port Authorities Award [MA000051] |
Ports, Harbours and Enclosed Water Vessels Award [MA000052] |
Poultry Processing Award [MA000074] |
Premixed Concrete Award [MA000057] |
Professional Diving Industry (Industrial) Award [MA000108] |
Professional Diving Industry (Recreational) Award [MA000109] |
Racing Clubs Events Award [MA000013] |
Racing Industry Ground Maintenance Award [MA000014] |
Rail Industry Award [MA000015] |
Road Transport (Long Distance Operations) Award [MA000039] |
Salt Industry Award [MA000107] |
Seafood Processing Award [MA000068] |
Seagoing Industry Award [MA000122] |
Silviculture Award [MA000040] |
Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award [MA000100] |
Sporting Organisations Award [MA000082] |
State Government Agencies Award [MA000121] |
Stevedoring Industry Award [MA000053] |
Sugar Industry Award [MA000087] |
Supported Employment Services Award [MA000103] |
Surveying Award [MA000066] |
Telecommunications Services Award [MA000041] |
Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Associated Industries Award [MA000017] |
Timber Industry Award [MA000071] |
Transport (Cash in Transit) Award [MA000042] |
Travelling Shows Award [MA000102] |
Vehicle Repair, Services and Retail Award [MA000089] |
Waste Management Award [MA000043] |
Water Industry Award [MA000113] |
Wine Industry Award [MA000090] |
Wool Storage, Sampling and Testing Award [MA000044] |
*To determine whether your staff fall under the Award, it’s recommended to visit the Fair Work website.
Can an employer be covered by multiple awards?
An employer can be under multiple awards, depending on the varying job duties performed by their employees.
Example: 2 awards applying to 1 employer
Jon runs a building and construction business that employs qualified carpenters as well as office staff who handle administration work. Two awards will apply to his business:
- Building and Construction Award (for qualified carpenters)
- Clerks Award (for office staff)
What is the difference between Awards and Modern Awards?
Awards and Modern Awards both set out the terms and conditions of employment for employees, but there are some key differences between the two.
Awards were the primary instrument for regulating employment conditions in Australia, but only provided minimum terms and did not cover all aspects of employment.
Modern Awards were introduced in 2010 to provide more comprehensive and consistent coverage of minimum employment conditions for all employees in the national workplace relations system, including entitlements such as:
- pay
- hours of work
- rosters
- breaks
- allowances
- penalty rates
- overtime
*For more information about Modern Awards, please refer to Fair Work.
How to make payroll efficient with Workstem?
Simplify your payroll processes with Workstem’s all-in-one platform, handling onboarding, time and attendance, award interpretation, payroll, STP 2, superannuation and more.
Customise attendance entitlements, auto-track attendance data, streamline the payment process and keep compliance with Fair Work award through our AI Engine. Workstem provides a complete solution for efficient payroll management and regulatory compliance.