Schads Award Level 6

What is SCHADS?

SCHADS stands for Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award. It is an industrial award that covers employees working in the social, community, home care, and disability services sectors in Australia. The award outlines the minimum employment conditions, wages, and entitlements for workers in these industries.

What is SCHADS Award Level 6?

The SCHADS Award (Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award) is an industrial award in Australia that establishes the minimum employment conditions and standards for workers in the social, community, home care, and disability services sectors.

Within the SCHADS Award framework,Level 6 refers to a specific classification or level of employment within the industry. It typically represents managerial or decision-making positions within organisations operating in these sectors. Level 6 employees are responsible for driving operational practices, policies, and guidelines, and they have a high degree of independence in their roles.

At this level, employees may be involved in tasks such as budget preparation, establishing work procedures, and negotiating on behalf of the organisation. They are expected to have a deep understanding of the organisation’s long-term objectives and utilise their expertise to guide and make decisions that impact lower-level management.

Level 6 employees also play a key role in designing and coordinating programs as part of project teams. They set specific goals and outcomes that align with the overall direction of the organisation, and their contributions are crucial to the success of the organisation’s activities.

Note: Specific Level 6 details and responsibilities under the SCHADS Award vary based on the organisation and relevant enterprise agreements or employment contracts.

What is SCHADS Award Level 6 pay rate?

The SCHADS Award (Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award) is an industrial award in Australia that sets out the minimum terms and conditions of employment for workers in the social and community services sector. The pay rates for Level 6 employees under the SCHADS Award in 2024 are as follows:

  • Level 6, Pay Point 1: $1,972.04 per week or $51.90 per hour.
  • Level 6, Pay Point 2: $2,015.44 per week or $53.04 per hour.
  • Level 6, Pay Point 3: $2,059.12 per week or $54.19 per hour.

These rates apply to both full-time and part-time employees classified at Level 6 in the social and community services sector in Australia in 2024.

How can Workstem assist you?

Simplify your payroll processes with Workstem’s all-in-one platform, handling onboarding, time and attendanceaward interpretation, payroll, STP 2, superannuation and more.

Customise attendance entitlements, auto-track attendance data, streamline the payment process and keep compliance with Fair Work award through our AI Engine. Workstem provides a complete solution for efficient payroll management and regulatory compliance.

Read More:


SCHADS Level 4

SCHADS Level 5

Updated SCHADS Award Pay Rates Guide

Understanding Pay Point Progression in the SCHADS Award

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