Black Coal Mining Industry Award Guide [MA000001]

Black Coal Mining Industry Award Guide [MA000001]

Table of content

  1. What is the Black Coal Mining Industry Award?
  2. Who is covered by the Black Coal Mining Industry Award?
  3. How are the hours of work arranged in Black Coal Mining Industry Award?
  4. How are wages and allowances calculated in the Black Coal Mining Industry Award?
  5. How is the leave managed in Black Coal Mining Industry Award?
  6. How can Workstem assist you?

This article provides guidelines on the black coal mining industry award. For more information on this award, please refer to the black coal mining industry award.

What is the Black Coal Mining Industry Award?

The Black Coal Mining Industry Award is a set of legal minimum employment standards and conditions that apply to employees working in the black coal mining industry in Australia.

The award sets out the minimum wage rates, working hours, overtime, annual leave, sick leave, and other entitlements for employees working in various roles within the black coal mining industry, such as mineworkers,electrical and mechanical engineer assistants surveyors, laboratory and technical assistants,administrative and clerical workers whose work is linked to the day to day operations of the mine.The award is designed to ensure that employees in the black coal mining industry are treated fairly and receive reasonable pay and conditions for their work.

Who is covered by the Black Coal Mining Industry Award?


The Black Coal Award covers coal mining employees and their employers.Coal mining employees:

  • work in the black coal mining industry and are employed by an employer in the black coal mining industry, or
  • are employed in the black coal mining industry and work at or near the location where black coal is mined, and whose work is:
  • directly linked to the day to day operations of a black coal mine, and
  • is covered by one of the classifications or types of work mentioned in the award.

The black coal mining industry includes:

  • extracting or mining black coal on a coal mining lease (through either underground or surface mining methods)
  • processing black coal at a coal handling or processing plant on or next to a coal mining lease
  • transporting black coal on a coal mining lease
  • other work on a coal mining lease that is directly connected to extracting, mining, and/or processing of black coal.

Examples of employees covered by the Black Coal Award includes:

  • mineworkers
  • electrical and mechanical engineer assistants
  • surveyors, laboratory and technical assistants
  • administrative and clerical workers whose work is linked to the day to day operations of the mine
  • surveyors
  • draftspersons
  • forepersons
  • geologists
  • metallurgists
  • engineers
  • environmental scientists.

The following employers and employees are not covered by the Black Coal Award:

  • employers in the brown coal mining industry, if the mining is connected to operating a power station
  • administrative and clerical workers working in head office or corporate officers
  • construction workers
  • catering employees
  • employers who supply shotfiring or other explosive services who mainly work outside the black coal mining industry
  • employers who operate a coal export terminal.

How are the hours of work arranged in Black Coal Mining Industry Award?

Ordinary hours of work

An employee’s ordinary hours of work are 35 hours per week, or an average of 35 hours per week over a roster cycle.


Paid meal breaks—rostered hours

  • An employee is entitled to a meal break of 30 minutes without deduction from pay for each 5 hours worked during rostered hours.
  • An employee will not be required to work for more than 5 hours without a meal break.
  • Where the employer and employee agree that the employee will work for more than 5 hours without a break, then the employee will, unless otherwise agreed, be paid for any work beyond 5 hours at the applicable overtime rates until a meal break is taken.

Paid meal break—non-rostered overtime

  • If an employee is required to work more than one and a half hours past their rostered shift (exclusive of crib time) then the employee will, unless agreed otherwise, before starting this overtime be allowed at least 30 minutes for a paid meal break. This meal break is to be paid at the rate applying immediately before the meal break is taken.
  • The employee will also, unless notified the previous day of the requirement to work overtime, be supplied with a meal or paid a meal allowance
  • After each 4 hours of overtime worked after a paid meal break the employee will have a further paid meal break of 30 minutes duration and either be supplied with a meal or be paid a meal allowance.
  • Where the overtime worked is not continuous with an employee’s rostered hours, the employee is entitled to a meal break of 30 minutes without deduction from pay after each 5 hours worked.

How are wages and allowances calculated in the Black Coal Mining Industry Award?


For overtime worked on

Overtime rate % of minimum hourly rate

Monday to Friday – first 3 hours

150 %

Monday to Friday – after first 3 hours

200 %

Saturday – first 3 hours

150 %

Saturday – after first 3 hours

200 %

Sunday – all hours

200 %


Allowances  Rate
Apprentice training fees and textbook costs reimbursement reimbursement of training fees for prescribed courses and the cost of prescribed  textbooks
Apprentice travel to block release training reimbursement reimbursement for the excess reasonable travel costs incurred in the course of travelling  to and from the training
Boom welding allowance – production & engineering  employees only – not open cut work $0.94 per hour
Confined spaces allowance (electrical/ mechanical) – production & engineering employees only $0.79 per hour
Damage to clothing and tools reimbursement  (electrical/mechanical) – production & engineering  employees only reimbursement for any damage made to clothing and tools
Dirty work allowance – production & engineering  employees only $2.27 per shift
First aid officer allowance – production & engineering (not  open cut or underground work) & Staff employees $7.51 per day or per shift
First aid attendant allowance – production & engineering  (not open cut or underground work) & Staff employees $4.45 per day or per shift
Height money allowance (electrical/ mechanical) – production & engineering employees only $2.27 per shift
Meal allowance $18.08 for each meal
Overnight travel allowance – Mines rescue service  employees only an allowance or reimbursement sufficient for a reasonable standard of hotel / motel or  site camp accommodation, 1 evening meal & 1 breakfast meal per night
Shaft work allowance (electrical/ mechanical) – production  & engineering employees only $5.83 per shift with a minimum payment of four hours
Stand-by allowance – Mines rescue service employees  only – not duty officers – Monday to Friday stand-by roster $101.35 per day
Stand-by allowance – Mines rescue service employees  only – not duty officers – stand-by roster that includes  Saturdays and/or Sundays $184.82 per day
Stand-by allowance – Mines rescue service employees  only – duty officers – Monday to Friday stand-by roster $119.23 per day
Stand-by allowance – Mines rescue service employees  only – duty officers – stand-by roster that includes  Saturdays and/or Sundays $238.45 per day
Temporarily working away from usual workplace – excess  transport costs reimbursement reimbursement for reasonable travel expenses in excess of those normally incurred  traveling between home and the normal workplace
Temporarily working away from usual workplace – excess  travelling time allowance payment at the minimum hourly rate for extra time spent travelling outside of ordinary  hours of work between home and the temporary work location in excess of time spent  travelling between home and the ordinary work location
Tool allowance – production & engineering employees  only $0.38 per hour up to a maximum of $13.22 per week
Transport allowance when working shiftwork or overtime – normal means of transport unavailable payment for 1 hour at the minimum hourly rate or the provision of transport at the  employer’s cost
Underground allowance (electrical/mechanical) – production & engineering adult employees only $2.27 per day or per shift
Washery allowance – production & engineering  employees only $6.22 per day or per shift
Water money allowance – production & engineering  employees only $4.84 per shift
Working clothes and safety boots reimbursement reimbursement for 1 pair of safety boots and 2 sets of industrial outer clothing each year
Working during shut down – excess transport costs  reimbursement reimbursement for reasonable travel expenses in excess of those normally incurred  travelling between home and the normal workplace

How is the leave managed in Black Coal Mining Industry Award?

In the black coal mining industry, leave entitlements for employees are determined by the National Employment Standards (NES) and the classification of the employee.

Annual leave

All annual leave is per the National Employment Standards NES.

Entitlement to annual leave

  • An employee is entitled to annual leave, in addition to the amount provided for in the NES, such that the employee’s total entitlement to annual leave pursuant to the NES and this award for each year of employment is a cumulative total of 175 ordinary hours (5 weeks).
  • An employee who is a 7 day roster employee;  works a roster which requires ordinary shifts on public holidays and not less than 272 ordinary hours per year on Sundays,is entitled annually to an additional 35 ordinary hours (one week) of annual leave.

Public holidays

Public holidays are provided for in the  NES.

  • An employer and employee may agree to substitute another day for a day that would otherwise be a public holiday under the NES.
  •  An employer and employee may agree to substitute another part-day for a part-day that would otherwise be a part-day public holiday under the NES.
  • An employee who is not required to work on a public holiday which would otherwise have been a working day for that employee will be paid for that day at the employee’s classification rate.

How can Workstem assist you?

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