Gardening and Landscaping Services Award Guide [MA000101]

Gardening and Landscaping Services Award Guide [MA000101]

Table of content

  1. What is the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award ?
  2. Who is covered by the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award ?
  3. How are the hours of work arranged in the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award  ?
  4. How are wages and allowances calculated in the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award ?
  5. How is the leave managed in the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award ?
  6. How can Workstem assist you?

This article provides guidelines on the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award  package. For more information on this award, please refer to the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award .

What is the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award ?

The Gardening and Landscaping Services Award is a set of regulations that govern the employment conditions and entitlements of employees in the gardening and landscaping services industry in Australia. It covers wages, allowances, penalty rates, leave entitlements, and other employment conditions.

Who is covered by the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award ?


The Gardening and Landscaping Award covers employers and employees in the gardening and landscaping industry.

The gardening and landscaping industry means:

  • designing, preparing and installing: pavements, landscape features, associated lawns and gardens in parklands, public domain and recreational areas
  • maintenance or horticultural establishment work
  • laying-out, constructing, cultivating or keeping in order gardens in connection with private houses
  • landscape and environmental rehabilitation and restoration work on private or public lands, or
  • preparing and maintaining gardens and grounds, including turf and renovation related works in sports fields.

Examples of employees covered by the Gardening and Landscaping Award include:

  • general labourers
  • experienced plant and lawn maintenance employees
  • employees who operate lawn mowers, edger’s and rotary hoes
  • tradespersons
  • employees qualified with a certificate III in Parks and Gardens, Landscaping and Greenkeeping
  • horticulture specialists.

The Gardening and Landscaping Award covers labour hire businesses and their employees placed in the gardening and landscaping industry.

The following employers and employees are not covered by the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award :

  • Aged Care Award
  • Amusement Award
  • Building and Construction Award
  • Cemetery Award
  • Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award
  • Health Services Award
  • Local Government Award
  • Racing Ground Maintenance Award
  • Registered Clubs Award

Source: Gardening and Landscaping Services Award [MA000101] clause 2 and schedule A

How are the hours of work arranged in the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award  ?

Ordinary hours of work

  • The ordinary working hours are 38 hours per week, which can be averaged over a 4-week cycle.
  • Work is allowed between 6.00 am and 6.00 pm on weekdays, and until 12.00 noon on Saturdays.
  • Maximum of 10 hours can be worked per day.
  • Rostered days off can be implemented with agreed methods, and up to 10 days can be accumulated and taken at an agreed time.


  • Meal breaks: Employees must have an unpaid meal break of at least 30 minutes within 5 hours of starting work. If they work through the meal break, they must be paid at 150% of the ordinary hourly rate until they receive their break.
  • Overtime breaks: Employees working overtime are entitled to a paid 20-minute break after every 4 hours of overtime. If overtime exceeds 1.5 hours, they must have a paid 20-minute meal break before starting overtime.
  • Rest breaks: Employees have a paid 10-minute rest break each morning or at an appropriate time, with the possibility of additional unpaid rest breaks agreed upon between the employer and employee.

How are wages and allowances calculated in the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award ?

Minimum rates

Adult rates

Classification Minimum weekly rate(full-time employee)

Minimum hourly rate


$ $

Introductory Level

859.30 22.61

Level 1

882.80 23.23
Level 2 914.90


Level 3 955.50


Level 4 995.00


Level 5 1026.20


Junior rates


% of adult rate

Under 18 years


18 years

19 years


20 years


Apprentice rates

  • Pre-2014 apprentices must be paid a minimum percentage of the Level 4 tradesperson classification’s minimum wage rates.

Year of apprenticeship

% of Level 4 rate

1st year


2nd year


3rd year


4th year


  • Post-2014 apprentices must be paid a minimum percentage of the Level 4 tradesperson classification’s minimum wage rates.

Year of apprenticeship

Have not completed year 12 Have completed year 12

% of Level 4 rate

1st year

50 55

2nd year

60 65
3rd year 75


4th year 95


Adult apprentice rates

Year of apprenticeship

Minimum wage rate

1st year

80% of Level 4 rate
2nd year

Introductory Level rate

3rd year

Introductory Level rate

4th year

95% of Level 4 rate

*For more information about minimum rates, please refer to the complete version of Fair Work.


The overtime rate payable to an employee depends on the time at which the overtime is worked:

When overtime is worked Full-time and part-time employees(based on ordinary hourly rate) Casual employees(based on the ordinary hourly rate)*
The first 2 hours – Monday to Sunday 150% 175%
After 2 hours – Monday to Sunday 200% 225%
Public Holidays 250% 275%




Apprentice training fees and textbook costs reimbursement

reimbursement of training fees for prescribed courses and the costs of prescribed textbooks
Apprentice block release training reimbursement

reimbursement for the excess reasonable travel costs incurred in the course of travelling to and from the training

Clothing and equipment reimbursement

reimbursement for the cost of the special clothing and equipment

First aid allowance

$0.52 per hour up to a maximum of $19.90 per week

* Leading hand – in charge of 1-2 employees

$0.52 per hour

* Leading hand allowance – in charge of 3-6 employees

$1.05 per hour

* Leading hand allowance – in charge of 7-9 employees $1.31 per hour

* Leading hand allowance – in charge of 10 or more employees

$1.83 per hour

Meal allowance

$17.23 for a meal

Operating a vehicle and/or plant allowance

$5.97 per day

* Tool allowance – Level 4 & 5 tradespersons only

$0.41 per hour

Using own vehicle – travelling time allowance

payment at the minimum hourly rate for all time spent travelling, up to a maximum of 8 hours in any 24 hour period

Vehicle allowance

$0.95 per km

Working away from home – board and lodging reimbursement

payment for the demonstrable cost of the lodging

Working away from usual workplace – excess travel costs allowance

fares reasonably incurred in excess of those normally incurred travelling between home and work

Working away from usual workplace – excess travel time allowance

payment at the minimum hourly rate for all time reasonably spent getting to and from the job in excess of the time normally spent travelling between home and work

How is the leave managed in the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award ?

In the Gardening and Landscaping Services Award , leave entitlements for employees are determined by the National Employment Standards (NES) and the classification of the employee.

Annual leave

Annual leave is provided for in the NES.Before annual leave, the employer must pay the employee their normal hours’ earnings (excluding overtime) at their regular rate, plus a 17.5% loading based on the minimum hourly rate prescribed in the award. Higher base rate applies if receiving over-award payments.

Public holidays

Public holiday entitlements are provided for in the NES.

  • For working on a public holiday, employees will be paid at 250% of the ordinary hourly rate, with a minimum of 4 hours’ payment.
  • Hours worked immediately before or after a part-day public holiday, as part of one continuous shift, are included in the minimum payment/engagement period.

How can Workstem assist you?

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